Message To All Skeptics

~ By Brandon D. Wills

This was a letter to a certain group that I decided should be addressed to skeptics all over the world.

A message to all skeptics, from a reformed skeptic:

Until I was accidentally and thankfully plunged face first into the world of the paranormal, I was kind of like you folks.  I was raised in a strict Southern Baptist home where if it couldn’t be explained and it wasn’t in the Bible then it didn’t exist.  To my dismay, most of my family still thinks that way and practices those beliefs. I accredit that mostly to the fact that they, like yourselves, obviously haven’t seen and experienced the things that I have.  I hold still today, and always will, my Christian beliefs, in fact I am an ordained minister of my faith.  But, because I am an open-minded, educated person, I put myself out in this world. Rather than hiding behind the social norms, I have discovered a world I was not seeking and people and I never intended to meet.  Because, believe it or not, some things just happen; things that you can not explain, things that a scientist can not test or recreate with constants, variables, formulas, or focus groups.  These things are not normal, they are paranormal.

You say that your “ranks are filled with teachers, professors, scientists and leaders from all walks of life.” Well skeptics, ours are as well. You also note that your “free speech is protected under the law.” Again, so is ours.  I can’t think of a single person who studies this topic, on your side or mine, who hasn’t heard the name James Randi, I‘m sure that you have, he‘s quite the skeptic’s hero.  His challenge will most likely never be met, nor would anyone else’s.  It has nothing to do with him being a world renowned skeptic or famous illusionist, but simply because psychic or paranormal gifts can not be proven with science.  For that matter, I don’t believe that any scientist will ever get indisputable evidence of an intelligent haunt.  I am a paranormal investigator, I am convinced that there is such thing as spiritual beings who exist within our plain of existence.  Most scientist would laugh at me for this belief, I find it equally hysterical that an adult human can be convinced that this entire universe from it’s largest planet to it’s smallest molecule are all the result of a cosmic accident.

I am not writing this to start a political debate (I’m republican in case you were wondering) or a holy war.  My purpose here is to warn you that you are missing out on a wonderful and exciting world of new discoveries by ignoring the possibility of afterlife and things beyond what we see and know.  How you think you are any different than I am I don’t know.  We’re both mice chasing cheese here trying to convince an entire world that we are right and our opposition is wrong.  The difference between my people and yours, is that my people are not attempting to start protests and political movements to benefit our cause.  I realize that my words are not likely going to sway your soul in either direction, especially since you probably don’t believe in souls, but I would ask one thing of you.  Please stop running down the names of decent people.  I know personally a few of the individuals you boldly decide to judge and defame daily and if you met these people tonight you would be friends with them tomorrow.  I don’t believe that everyone claims it is a legitimate psychic or medium, in fact I don’t believe that most people who claim these abilities are legitimate, but it bothers me to see the names of  friends, who have and use a God given gift to help people, dragged in the dirt.

No one you name is dedicating their lives to ruining yours, I doubt that any of them have pages of their websites dedicated to your destruction, so please, live and let live.  One day our breakthrough will come and all your work will have been in vain. But no matter what you do, people will continue to have faith in God, hope for a life after this, and a desire to know what is beyond this plain of existence.

Thank you for your time,


14 Responses to “Message To All Skeptics”

  1. Brilliant entry Brandon 🙂

  2. Matthew Hodson Says:

    You say you were a skeptic. To quote James Randi: “I doubt that.”

    • I honestly did not believe that spirits other than angels and demons could be present on this earth until I started having paranormal experiences personally.

      • Matthew Hodson Says:

        Firstly I applaud you for responding to skeptical inquiry.
        I see no reason to question your honesty, simply your perception. When you say you were a skeptic I don’t think it means the same thing as when I say I am a skeptic.
        It seems that you say you were skeptical about ghosts and other paranormal claims until you discovered evidence. Were you also skeptical about the stories of angels and demons until they appeared to you? It is remarkably easy for people to compartmentalise to the point where critical thinking is turned off in one area and turned on in another. It is difficult to view someone as a skeptic when they do not appear to be applying critical thinking to large areas of belief.
        Skeptics are believers too; we simply defer belief until sufficient evidence is available and then belief is contingent upon new evidence, if new evidence contradicts standing beliefs they must be re-examined.
        It may be that you are justified (from a critical thinking standpoint) in believing in angels, demons, fairies, elves, ghosts or any number of other mythic entities based on personal experiences. However those of us who have not experienced these events cannot use them as a basis for belief. It may also be the case that you have been fooled by natural phenomena of the brain and environment into believing that you experience paranormal activity.

  3. […] This post was Twitted by DrRachie […]

  4. “A reformed skeptic”? So you no longer feel the need for evidence before believing in something?

    Oh wait. Ordained minister. ‘Nuff said.

    • I’m not here to debate religion, that’s not what this site is for. And if you ask anyone who has ever worked with me, including Serge and Josh, the resident skeptics from PRS, I do like scientific evidence, I’ve sat in on their workshops. I believe it is very important to monitor atmospheric conditions, EMF, EVP, video, audio, that’s all an integral part of an investigation. But not all paranormal things happen during an investigation, and not all of them can be recorded or proven scientifically.

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Richard Saunders and Gavin Cronje, Dr Rachael Dunlop. Dr Rachael Dunlop said: @SkepticZone re: at first glance, looks like a believer or woo, since it's white writing on black, am I right? Am I? […]

    • I assure you we are believers, however, we are not wooers!!! We have no desire to convince you of anything, we are simply telling our story! I personally have no control of the appearance of the site (not quite sure why it matters anyway) so if you are having viewing issues due to font and color, let the Angie, the admin know! And once again, we are not trying to woo or sway anyone, you’ve missed the point all together. This was written in an attempt to bring civility, not create tension and harsh words!

  6. Nick Sharratt Says:

    Ok, you’re right, there are things science (currently) can’t explain. That’s sort of the point.

    I once heard a quote which I think was from Issac Asimov:

    “The most exciting sound in science is not Eureka (I’ve got it) but ‘hmm, that’s odd!'”

    because it is the odd, the unusual, the unexpected and the unexplained that points out the gaps in theories, the flaws in existing understanding and the direction for entirely new branches of study.

    Being a sceptic/scientist catagorically does not mean you think you know all the answers, it means you look for answers with a fervor and a vigour but most importantly, with rigour too.

    That rigourous approach is often boring, tedious and needs a lot of hard work and study, often following blind alleys and dead ends, wasting whole lifetimes sometimes on a wrong hunch which you just hope helps someone else avoid the same mistake and might point to a right theory later.

    The alterntive approach when ‘odd stuff happens’ is to just attribute it to some arbitrary personal theory of the world with no rigourus theoretical basis and usually without further study. So where as a ‘believer’ might see something odd and think “ah, there, that’s proof of ghosts” a scientist and sceptic would see the same things as one datum point to asses against a theoretical framework, as a pointer to many further experiments to test that theory to breaking – basically, to put it bluntly, to not be lazy and just accept that what they believe to be the explanation actually stands up.

    I’ve been involved with paranormal investigation groups in the past as an advisor although I’m not a proffesional scientist, and without exception, the ‘believers’ have just attributed and weird stuff that happens to their own let theory of the world, even when a group experience the same things, they each have a slightly different theory and none of them – NONE OF THEM have any solid theoretical framework which could actually be tested, investigated or validated.

    When questioned, one can usually help them form a testable hypothesis which is usually then simply dismissed with very basic basic tests. Science isn’t that hard to do, but it is harder than just believing stuff just because it feels right to you.

    • Thank you for your response, I think you actually made a lot of the same points I was trying to convey. That being, there is NO indisputable evidence either way. We’re dealing with a very delicate matter here, where there really is no in between. You either believe it or you don’t. And we both have a wealth of theories to support our respective positions on the matter, but no cold, hard, tangible facts. My people believe there is existence beyond this life on this earth, your people believe there is not (key word… BELIEVE).

  7. Folks, I do appreciate you reading our blog and contributing your thoughts and opinions, but I feel that some people missed the whole point of this article, which I thought was made clear. These posts have in fact proven my point and given strength to my cause. This letter was written as a request to skeptics, to stop running down the names of good people, simply because they believe differently from you. I’m sure these same people spend their days and nights on websites representing, religions, political groups, charitable organizations, support groups, etc. giving them the same hassle. Simply because I as a Christian, believe in my faith, and as a republican believe in my political views, and as a Red Cross volunteer, believe in helping those who can not help themselves, doesn’t mean that I should come against those who disagree with me. And a growing pattern I’ve noticed is that the skeptics who challenge the paranormal community are becoming increasingly militant, I choose to live and let live, and that’s all I ask of you in return!!!

    God Bless,

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